Our Guiding Principles

Everything about GHQIA’s approach goes back to our guiding principles that support best practice in clinic-level operations and are designed to facilitate continuous improvement.

At The Heart

Everything about GHQIA – our assessment methods, standards, and approach – goes back to our guiding principles that support best practice in clinic-level operations and are designed to facilitate a culture of continuous improvement.

Patient Focus

Put the patient at the centre of all standards at all times. Understand their needs and expectations and evaluate service from their perspectives.

Effective Leadership

The overall governance of the clinic operations is committed to achieving excellence and quality care improvement. Its leadership provides strategic directions and motivates its workforce to contribute, develop, and learn.

Continuous Improvement

There is always progress, with everyone on the team striving to achieve better service and outcomes as an essential part of everyday practice.

Evidence of Outcomes

The measurement and analysis of performance are crucial. Data must be provided to demonstrate evidence of outcomes.

Striving for Best Practice

Through benchmark comparisons and research, organisations can discover new techniques and technologies and apply best-practice principles to achieve world-class performance in clinician productivity and patient outcomes.

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